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Resume Cover Letters - do you really need one?

Resume Cover Letters / Do you really need one?

Oddly enough, I happen to disagree (a little) with those that say a cover letter is needed when sending your resume.  A Recruiter will generally receive anywhere from 50 to 300 resumes for one single position.  It is nearly impossible to review each resume and read each letter.  So Recruiters, generally select a percentage of resumes to review and reduce it down to a few select applicants that can become candidates.  At this point, the cover letter is likely read.  A cover letter can summarize your purpose or objective, however, it is imperative to realize that how you articulate your points and frame your goals can and will heavily weigh into the perception of how you write and speak.  So there are pros and cons when writing a letter, but your essence of your speech, grammar, ability to communicate a concise point can and will weigh into the overall selection process.

Have someone else read your cover letter before you hit send.
Be concise, clear, and to the point.
Don't get too wordy.
Deliver your interest and passion, but don't come across as desperate.

Good luck in your career search!

Resume Architect & Career Coach


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