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CulturaMINDS has found that employers have gone crazy-wild with required online logins and applications.  Most major corporations use some form of an applicant tracking system (ATS) to handle incoming job applications and resumes.  Of course there are benefits to having a database of applicants, but can they not find a simpler solution?  With today’s technology options, employers should be able to reduce the lengthy online process, return precious time back to the candidate, and improve on the abandonment rate.

There are many cumbersome technical steps from registering for an account, creating a unique password, to then taking the time to clean up your so-called “parsed” resume.  At times, their sites have technical difficulties and many times the ATS systems do not provide enough memory to even be able to load a 128kb file.
Oh, and wait – there’s more!  Now of all of a sudden the system has either timed you out or you click on the “Next” button only to receive page errors.  Erghhh!
Guess what?  Now your resume goes “into the cloud” somewhere or better yet, a “black hole” where you never hear anything back...not even a pithy automated email from the nifty ATS system saying, “Sorry – Not Qualified”.
The ATS system, while beneficial for the employer, has certainly added the cold technology touch to candidates.

There is no law that requires an employer to have an application process of any kind. (  However, most do because it secures permission from the candidate allowing them to verify what has been listed on the application and not necessarily what is on the resume marketing pitch.  It also releases employers from potential legal issues. 
Employers are losing out on hundreds of qualified candidates because of their lengthy online process.  The abandonment drop rate is about 60% “”.  As we know, time is precious today and the 45-60 minutes application is a thieving process!


1) Build a Talent Community "Network" where candidates can upload resumes for review and consideration only. If they actually interview, then require the completion of the application.

2) Using short clip videos where candidates can upload a 1 minute video clip of self, outlining their key experiences and skills

3) Add a quick and easy to apply mobile app.


1)  Don’t give up.  If there is a job you truly want, find a way to get it to their HR department.

2)  You went through the lengthy online process; get on LinkedIn and see if you can find an internal Recruiter for that employer and try connecting to them.

3)  Go old school.  Print out resumes and either mail it to them or if you can drive it over, mark it confidential in red and tell the receiver that it is crucial that the envelope be handed to the HR/Recruiting Director.

Writer:  Cricket J./Principal Architect @ (10/07/14)
Career Architects for Careers in Motion
Connect w/CulturaMinds: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram


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