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Charisma! Do you have it?

Charisma!  Do you have it?
Article by Cricket Jespersen –

What is it about your charisma and your career?  Do you have it?

Is it something that you are born with?  Is it something you can learn?  Does Angela Merkel have it? Does Bill Clinton have it?  What about the infamous character, Hitler?  Is charisma a manifestation of power that simply emanates through your personality?  Some qualities are innate and others are affected by parenting, education, environment and positive charismatic leaders.

By definition, charisma is compelling attractiveness and charm that can inspire and influence others?  Sometimes that charisma can be used in a positive way or negative “manipulative” way.  It’s a fine line – so keep reading.
There are naturally happy, energetic, and inspiring people that we are drawn to, but if you are a bit shy, you may not be exuding your charm during an interview. Indeed, CulturaMinds does design highly effective and marketable resumes, but once you get noticed, it is imperative that somehow you exude some form of charm with combined confidence in your ability to articulate your thoughts in order to get you to that next level of hiring. in a 10/12/2012 article stated that new research shows that the vast majority of employers (88%) are looking for a “cultural fit” over skills in their next hire as more and more companies focus on attrition rates.  Confidence in self, being the number one gut experience.

Charisma is deeply rooted in the ability to communicate emotionally (related to the notion of "emotional intelligence") and relationship skills that allow charismatic individuals to make deep connections with others. Oratorical skills, being positive and optimistic, and being emotionally expressive are also part of the building blocks of charisma.

As a child, I was known to be quiet, shy, reserved with an easy going temperament.  My charisma came later through positive educators, leaders who reinforced my abilities and others who encouraged me to believe in my abilities and in my vision of self, who I wanted to become.  All levers built my confidence and part of my charm!  The best quote I remember, "Be confident, influence to achieve success, but never use your power to serve yourself, but for the betterment of a team or to help others".

I share this opinion article for those who are going through a career change or are in the midst of interviewing for a new gig, so that you can practice your charisma and to fine tune it in a way that you deliver the best result of you.  Find yourself a career coach that can help you identify weakened skills and give you the education and mentoring you need to develop those emotional and relational skills.

Being in the “human” business for as long as I have has led me to understand that most employers feel connected to charisma first, and then they decide if you match the skills they need.  If character and competence can be found in one candidate who happens to be you, then the employer will feel secure knowing that you will be able to build trust among colleagues and your business competence will follow along.

Cricket Jesper
Senior Principal Resume Architect & Leadership Coach
Career Architects for Careers in Motion
Connect w/CulturaMinds: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn


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