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The Pathology of Social Media Resume & BIOS

The Pathology of Social Media Resume & BIOS
“What does your BIO say about you?”
Author:  Cricket J.
Resume & Career Architects

The online social medial profile has undoubtedly changed the typical behavior of how we all network and connect with one another.  If you think about it and liken medical and technology viruses to contagious diseases and malware, your “SM” BIO and profile now interact in the same manner…as a virus.

So leaving your precious footprint for the world to get to know you is as important as when a parent sends out a photo about their most “awesome” kiddo for the whole family to see.  The parent denotes fantastic information about how the kid is so spectacular.  So it is important to know how to write a BIO, rewrite a social media profile, and redesign your resume.  Below are a few points.

SEO Title:  This can be where your name generally goes and how most people search for you.

Keywords:  When individual searches take place for a specific service, the Searcher will type in key words that will help narrow in on their search.

Image filename and ALT Tag:  As Vijay Nathan says, a picture is worth a thousand words.  There is a lot that you can do as entrepreneur’s and bloggers to enhance your site’s SEO practices, but one of the most convoluted seems to be naming images. Helping Google find our pictures should be a key part of our blogging strategy as they can generate a ton of traffic.
Credit:  Google + Image

So the pathology of the small business entrepreneur or the individual professional who wants to be contacted by a potential employer needs to know about the pathology of their respective profile and how to be found and connected to.    You must expect that you need to remain relevant, update consistently, remove and un-tag yourself from unfavorable images.  Lastly, when you are out with friends and family and they are taking “funky’ photos of you, please kindly ask them to please not post to their social media accounts.  These images count too.
Need help re-writing your profiles, contact CulturaMinds.  We are Resume Architects, Social Media Ghostwriters, and have a long history of recruiting experience from an employer perspective and business perspective.
Cricket J.


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